Assistant Professor of Management
Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Barney School of Businessrreilly@391774.com 860.768.4196 Auerbach Hall 311C
PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology
MS in Management Information Systems, Barry University
BS in Computer Science, Barry University
Ralph Reilly is an assistant professor of management and teaches Introduction to Management Information Systems. He has broad business experience in technical industries and diverse teaching experience in technical schools, community colleges, universities, and corporations.
Rreilly has served as a reviewer for Issues in Information Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce, and Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
Reilly, Ralph and Tchimev, Plamen 2003. Neural Network Approach to Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol 19 (1), 41-61.
arcia, Hector, J., and Reilly, Ralph and Shorter, Jack. 2003. Trojan Horses: They Deceive, They Invade, And They Destroy. Issues in Information Systems
Reilly, Ralph and Okoli, Chitu. 2003. The Information Satisfaction and Use Model: A Comprehensive Framework, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 10, Fall 2003.
Smith, Steven A., Reilly Ralph T., Hartman Sandra J. and Crow, Stephen M. 2003. Attrition in Computer-Related Fields: Perspectives from the National Survey of College Graduates, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
Reilly, R., American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 10th Annual Meeting - February 20-24, 2003.
The Importance of the Face to Nonverbal Expression in Human Computer Interaction Las Vegas, NV American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 11th Annual Conference – February 19-23, 2004. Paper Acceptance Attrition in Computer-Related Fields: Perspectives from the National Survey of College Graduates 2004 Las Vegas, NV Track & Session Chair 2004 Las Vegas, NV
Allied Business Education Association First Joint Meeting Academy of Business Education Financial Education Association Workshop Student and Businesses Together Crafting a Road to Success April 22-23, 2004 Mystic, CT
Attrition in Computer-Related Fields: Perspectives from the National Survey of College Graduates, presentation at the 11th Annual conference of ASBBS in Las Vegas Nevada, Feb 23, 2004. Published in the Proceedings.
Trojan Horses: They Deceive, They Invade, They Destroy, International Association for Computer Information Systems Conference, October 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, to be Published in the Proceedings
The Face as a Venue of Non Verbal Expression Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 10th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2003, to be Published in the Proceedings.
The Neural Network Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem, co-authored P. Tchimev, Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges Tenth Annual Midwest Conference, Granville, Ohio, 2003. Published in the Proceedings